Our Curriculum
Teachers are guided by HighScope’s active learning curriculum, as well as each child’s interests, needs, and abilities. The cafeteria of learning opportunities available during class promotes the “Key Developmental Indicators” (KDI’s) of the HighScope Curriculum.
The KDI’s guide teachers’ planning of experiences and activities that offer opportunities for:
- taking initiative
- growing in social relations
- creative representation
- music and movement
- language and literacy
- logic and mathematics
Learning Through Play
Constructive social play allows each child to enter experiences at their own level of ability. Age-mates stimulate cooperation and the elaboration of ideas. Child-choice makes perseverance probable, even when challenges arise.
Persistence, focused interest, excitement, and the satisfaction of a job well done are examples of attitudes nurtured through play. Early childhood educators are certain of the immense value of self-selected play.
Limited Spots Available!
2025-2026 School Year Registration is open! Save your space now! Don't delay, spaces are limited!
Click here to complete a 2025-2026 Admission Packet!
There is still time to join us this school year!
We currently have a few openings available for the 2024-25 School year!
Contact us to REGISTER NOW for this school year!
Our program runs from September through May.
Our class schedule is from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM with an option to further extend the morning session until 1:45 PM or join our extended day program 9AM-3PM Monday through Friday!
You are encouraged to make an appointment to tour the school
prior to registering your child.
Be sure to check out our extended day option! 9a.m.-3p.m.
A Day at St. Matthew's
Daily Schedule
St. Matthew’s is a busy, happy place where each child can find success and develop a love of learning. Below you will find an overview of the preschool day at St. Matthew’s Day School.
As the children arrive, the teacher welcomes each child and does a visual health check. The children make plans for the day and some find they have a “job” to do – Bell Ringer, Door Holder, Table Washer, Block Captain.
The class then participates in teacher-led circle time during which children sit and listen, sing and dance, and preview the school day together.
Young children learn best when they are actively engaged with interesting materials and learning partners, so our center time is the longest block of time in the daily routine.
- Home or Dramatic Center (doll house, dress ups, cooking)
- Block Center (cars, trains, animals, people)
- Easel & Table Art (play dough, markers, water colors)
- Library
- Sensory table (materials to pour, search and sift through)
- Science or Discovery Center
- Writing Center
A time for refreshment, relaxation, conversation and developing independence in a community of friends. It offers a different setting for talking with friends and teachers, and recalling the work done in centers. Each parent sends their child to school with a small snack, wet-wipe, and cup in a hard plastic or metal lunch box.
Outdoor time brings running, climbing, balancing, jumping, swinging, sliding, digging. Children play traditional games and invent their own. The children play outside every day unless the weather is severe. Our playground is full of natural wonders and sheltered by an ample tree canopy.
An active desire to read is important to a child’s success as a reader. Teachers read and re-read, children dramatize and re-tell favorites. Parents are welcome to volunteer to lead story time – which they often do!
Learning is a social activity! Teachers divide the class into two groups and provide hands-on, open-ended activities. Children get to practice visual and auditory discrimination, sorting and classifying, exploration and discovery, and countless other experiences in leaning and growing together.
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch extends the preschool day until 1:45 pm. Families may enroll their child to attend for two to five days/week depending on the child’s regular class schedule.
There’s excitement and a “stretch” in joining new teachers and children from other classes in a new but familiar setting. The daily routine includes playground time, lunch time, a gathering large group time, story and a rich center time full of opportunities to use stimulating materials to work together in creating, designing, and tinkering.
Class Schedule
Enrollment is open to children who reach their 3rd, 4th, or 5th birthday before
December 31 of the school year. Children must be toilet trained.
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Day School
admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin.
Three Year Olds
Must be 3 by December 31 | 2 and 3 day option available
Three year old classes meet Tuesday and Thursday OR Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:00 AM – Noon.
Four Year Olds
Must be 4 by September 30th | 2 and 3 day option available
Four year old classes meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:00 AM – Noon.
A Tuesday and Thursday class is also available for very young fours.
Older Four Year Olds & Five Year Olds
Must be 4 by Sept 30th | 4 and 5 day option available
The 4 days and 5 days a week classes are “reserved” for older fours and young fives, generally children whose 5th birthday occurs before May of the school year.
The teachers and classroom are the same throughout the week.